CREATORS Application

  • General Information

    Thank you for your interest in the CREATORS Training to facilitate PeaceLove workshops!
    This price covers 2 full days of experiential training, CREATORS manual with step by step guidance for the facilitation of 4 workshops, all workshop supplies and support materials for the next year & possibly beyond, ongoing support and engagement and access to the CREATORS Exchange community.
  • Employment

    Please choose one of the following that best fits the setting of your organization:
  • Personal and Contact Information

  • Questions about your Population

  • Agreement

    Please read the following agreement and sign below.
  • I understand the two day training is intended to equip me with skills for facilitation of expressive arts experiences. I am aware that though it will include opportunities for self-reflection and individual growth, the focus of the training is curriculum mastery and professional development. I understand that this experience is not personal therapy or a wellness retreat.

  • Type your name below to sign and verify your agreement to the above statement regarding the CREATORS Training.
  • I have read and understand the qualifications, time commitments, and expectations for being a PeaceLove CREATOR. I acknowledge that the information contained in this application is factual and is a realistic assessment of my abilities. I understand that falsification of information on this application may result in my dismissal from the CREATORS Program. I authorize PeaceLove to verify my information and to contact my supervisor references. If selected as a CREATOR, I agree to maintain the integrity of the program by adhering to the curriculum and structure established by PeaceLove. Additionally, I understand that becoming a PeaceLove CREATOR would not make me a licensed therapist.

  • Type your name below to sign and verify your agreement to the above statement regarding being a PeaceLove CREATOR.